
ThunderCats: Web of the Spider prt.2

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Literature Text

Not so far away…

For a moment, all Peter Parker could see was utter blackness. an endless void of total darkness as far out as the eye can see. but as his body and mind began to regain consciousness, the darkness began to flicker as two flaps begin to twitch, and fold revealing a more brighter plain of existence,through the lenses of his spider mask. As he got up, Spider-Man began to feel the aches and pains all over his body  when he was standing on both his legs. Spider-Man also felt a massive headache begin to overwhelm him.

Spider-Man: Ugh...remind me never to ride the coaster on Coney Island again.

After feeling his head for a few seconds, Spidey begins to look around at the surrounds before him. He could tell that he was in a rocky portion of a desert environment, surrounded by all sorts of natural rock formations, he could also tell that it was in the middle of the night.

Spider-Man: Oh...kay. So, I’m not in Manhattan anymore. But, if that’s the case, Does that mean it worked, or am I dead?

    To reassure his hypothesis, Spider-man then felt his left arm, and found a vain. One in which he felt several pulses pass through each second.

Spider-Man: I’m Not dead. That’s something to be thankful for, I suppose. but that doesn’t answer all my questions. Am I in Nevada? At least I hope I am…

    Then something had caught Spider-Man’s attention. Though he knew it was indeed night time. He couldn't help but notice that the moonlight was a bit brighter that it would usually be back home. That was when the arachnid hero looked up and noticed that something was indeed off. Not only did he see a moon, but three moons. Now, this set off Peter’s bells ringing like crazy. Now he was for certain that Reed’s device indeed worked.

Spider-Man: Todo...I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.

He then turned his attention away from the majestic night sky, and snapped himself to a more important matter at hand. Now that he knew he wasn’t on earth. That meant he had no clue where exactly he was. So he did what any person would do, get a sense of direction. Luckily he carried with him a small compass with him in case of situations like this were to arise. He held it out, hoping to get at least a strong magnetic pulse, indicating the possibility of a northern direction. When the arrow stopped at the direct northern polar alignment, this brought a bit of hope to Spider-man.

Spider-Man: Alright. At least I know that this planet operates similarly to home. I guess north is a good place to start as ever. Hopefully there’ll be at least some scrap of civilization.

    With that said, Spidey made off in the northern direction, leading into more rocky territory. As he continued his journey into the desert night, he would often see some brushes often with a few small creatures, small rodents and what not. This confirmed Spider-Man’s possibility of life. It was good hour or so, when Spidey came to a halt after a long search in the dark of the night, in hope of find civilization. He then sat himself upon a fallen boulder as he caught his breath. A bit anxious, and frustrated of his lack of progress, Spider-Man could only exhale in exhaust.

Spider-Man: Oh come on! There’s got to be one shred of a civilization around here. A cottage, an inn, a village, anything! Ugh...calm down, Peter. No use get frustrated. Nobody expects you to find something immediately.

    It was about that time, when Spider-Man checked up on his web shooters that he began to hear sounds. sounds that almost sounded like voices, human voices that is. He could hear them coming from over a hillside just above him. Cautiously, and carefully, Spider-Man began to scale the hillside, making as little sound as possible. a he continued to scale upwards, he could hear the voices getting louder, and louder. By the time he got up to the ledge of the hill side, Spidey slowly crept his head up to peek at where the voices came from. to his surprise, the origin of the voices were anything but human. Over the hill, he saw what looked like an overweight futuristic conquistador accompanied by bulldog looking humanoids, and giants. They were surrounding a large wooden cart that was being pulled by a caterpillar. They seemed to be drawn to a small bearded sort of fellow, who looked completely petrified.

Conquistador: Look Ponzi, we haven't got all day. My clients here aren’t too happy with the merchandise you sold them.

Ponzi: Look, Conquedor, Trollogs,and Giantors. I swear this on my mother’s grave. The side effects were temporary. I even gave you a refund for the bad batch.

Conquedor: I know...But that won’t do.

    The figure, now identified as Conquedor then pulled out a rifle of some sort, and proceeded to aim it right into Ponzi’s face. Now he was completely terrified, knowing that a single pull of the trigger could mean the difference between life and death. Still undetected by the group, Spider ducked his head down again.

    With the gun still pointed at the the wolo merchant, the group of Trollogs, and Giantors were signaled to begin raiding the small cart, looting all the bottled tonics, and goods with any available hand. Some of them even began to take interest in the giant caterpillar. The poor creature began to quake and shiver as the monstrous beings began to encircle her.

Ponzi: NO! No Luciel! She’s just a baby!

Conquedor: Zip it, small and fuzzy!

    As Conquedor held the rifle in Ponzi’s face, a sudden line of white thread like substance latched itself onto the rifle barrel and was plucked into the air. The two looked above, and at the source of the rope itself.

Spider-Man: You know, little round boys like yourself shouldn’t be playing with guns like that. some one could get hurt.

    Spidey proceeded to split the rifle apart with his knee, and discarded the pieces to the side, and leapt down to the ground, standing between Ponzi, and Conquedor. The wolo could only exhaled in relief, knowing death may have just been delayed. The arachnids actions drew the attention of the Trollogs, and Giantors, curious to know what was going on.

Spider-Man: Now...mind telling me what a chubby little boy like you is doing so far from mommy.

Conquedor: Who do you think you are, pal?!!

Spider-Man: ...*looks to ponzi* he for real? * to conquedor* Seriously, the big spider on my chest, the webs,and all. That..That doesn’t spark anything, whatsoever?

    Now, he was getting a loud ringing in his head, indicating up coming danger..from the side. Reacting to his spider senses, Spidey grabs hold of Ponzi, and clears out of the way of a large wooden club smacking down at them. when the dust settled, the trollogs charged in, and began throwing powerful punches at the intruder. however, given his spider reflexes, Spider-man, was able to avoid them, and began to inflict some damage of his own. When one Trollog threw his punch, Spider-man countered it with a flip of the being, landing him on his back,and over throwing another one. As the two monstrous beings laid unconscious, Spider-Man could feel the ground trembling before him, to only gaze upon two Giantors charging right at him. Time was running short for the arachnid, and he had to think of something fast. Then it hit him, as quickly as he could, Spidey fired a few cables of web inbetween two columns of rocks. When the two giants were merely a few feet away, the webbing acted a tripwire, forcing the two to fall over. As the two trollogs were coming to, the began to see a large shadow growing until the looked to see the giantors crush them. As the dust settled, Conquedor knew that it was best for him to get out of there as quickly as possible. Without hesitation, the coward fled the scene, leaving behind his former clients. The now relieved Ponzi, checked upon the caterpillar, making sure that it wasn’t hurt.

Ponzi: Luciel! Are you alright, girl?

    The giant caterpillar nodded, and licked Ponzi’s face. The fortunate merchant then turned back to see, Spider-man webbing up the beasts in a secure web cocoon. After the job was finished, Spider-Man’s attention then turned to Ponzi and Luciel.

Ponzi: I don’t know who, or what you are...But you saved my life back there, my miraculous friend.

Spider-Man: If you don’t mind, what exactly were they giving you trouble for?

Ponzi: Well, a few tonics I sold those freaks turned out to be a bad batch, which happens from time to time. I gave them a refund, but evidently it wasn’t enough for them, I suppose.

Spider-Man: I suppose not.

Ponzi: Now, if “You” don’t mind me prying, who are you?

Spider-Man: Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Ponzi:...That’s kind of an odd name. But, whatever. The name’s Ponzi, seller of elixirs of extraordinary powers...most of the time.


Ponzi: This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had trouble with folks over my potions. But, you win some and you lose some. it all depends on the batch.

Spider-Man: ...and what exactly is so extraordinary about your potions?

Ponzi: They can do all sorts of things, grow hair back, and so on. The trouble is, I simple can’t get them to work all the time.

Spider-Man: I see.

Ponzi: Yes, such is the many cins of a traveling salesman. i go from town to town , selling my goods for a fair price. Each of my potions is brewed on my very cart, pulled by Luciel here. *pats Luciel*

The giant bug then nuzzled it’s cheek on Spider-Man, as it’s on way of saying thank you.  Spidey couldn’t help but let out a little laughter as the bug continued to thank him.

Spider-Man: Okay! okay. I get it. You’re welcome. You’re welcome.

Ponzi: Alright girl that’s enough. The nice man knows you like him.

    Ponzi then pulled out what looked like a pocket watch, and was a bit unnerved by what it said. In a rush of panic, the wolo began to gather what goods weren’t taken or destroyed in the process and were shoved right back onto the cart, and sealed shut, and tight for travel. Spidey was a bit confused of all the commotion. he didn’t sense any danger nearby, which drove him to ask ponzi what all the hubbub was about.

Spider-Man: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What’s the rush, Ponz?

Ponzi: Unfortunately, due to this little excursion, these goons put me behind schedule, I should be on my way now to my next stop.

Spider-Man: Where’d that be, if I dare ask?

Ponzi: Dog city. I have to pick up on supplies and purchase replacement bottles for the ones they trashed.

Spider-man: And...which direction would this “Dog city” be?

Ponzi: *points out* Just west of hear. Oh come now, boy. it’s not like you haven’t heard of it before, have you?

Spider-Man: *scratches back of head* well…

Ponzi: Oh I see..Not from around these parts, are you?

Spider-man: That’ way of putting it.

Ponzi: I’ll tell you what. For helping me against those hoodlums, I’d be happy to give you a lift there. Though, you might want to throw this on..

Ponzi then tosses Spider-man what appeared to be some sort of cloak, with a hood to cover his face. The confused arachnid hero didn’t know what to think of it. Was Ponzi trying to tell him something.

Ponzi: I don’t know where you come from. But, folks might get some pretty odd ideas about that outfit of yours. Might get the wrong idea.

Spider-Man: You have no idea.

Spider-Man recalls the time where people have misjudged him because of his costumed ego, and often finding  himself in situations that would mislead one into believing he was a criminal mastermind. So, reluctantly, he places the hooded cloak on him, and pulled the hood over his masked face. he then climbs on board of the cart, and is seated right next to Ponzi, who whipped Lucille's reigns, signalling the Caterpillar to move on out.

Ponzi: you know, I haven’t had much company during these times. it’s nice to have someone to talk to while on the road.

Luciel then looked back and gave Ponzi a dirty look, as if she were insulted after his remark about  being company to him.

Ponzi: now, Now, Luciel I didn’t say I didn’t love your company too, girl.

With that said, Lucille smiled and turned back to hauling the cart, and it’s two passengers. As the journey picked back up again, the questions in his head began to swarm around , and begin to manifest themselves. Finally after a few minutes Ponzi got the courage and began to speak to his arachnid rescuer.

Ponzi: So, who exactly are you any way. Under that mask of yours.

Spider-Man: Well, that my fine furry friend is my secret. But, I can tell you a bit about myself.

    As the cart continued its course towards Dog city, the sun into the far east began to rise, colouring the sky from a dark blue star filled sky to a bright warm pink glow of dawn. lighting the way for our hero, and his quest to find a way home, Unaware of the certain danger that would befall unto him.  However, as the cart drove off, the two had not realized they were watched. these eyes were not the kind that they’d like. these eyes belonged to a large clawed being, one much similar to spider-man himself. from out of the shadows stood the black symbiote Venom, hosted by Eddie Brock, who both managed to survive the trip.

Venom: Go ahead little spider. We can wait.

    Not too far from the scene, conquedor was seen hurrying towards his vehicle when the same black hand grasped his throat, and shoved his body whole up against a wall. the slave trader could make out two large bright white eyes stare right into his, and a webbed face with sharp teeth, and long oozing tongue began to fade from the shadows.

Venom: If you value your worthless hide, you’ll do exactly as we say.


    In the desert dunes of the world Known as Third earth, a lonely deranged wanderer, can  be found trudging through the worst sand storm in its recorded history. The only living soul out in the middle of that sand storm was none other than the deranged lunatic himself, Cletus Cassidy, also known as Carnage. Twisted, and broken, Celtus wondered deranged, and a thirst for vengeance after Venom’s ultimate betrayal back on earth.

Cletus: Lousy Venom! Lousy Brock. I don’t need them treating me like a child! Who does he think he is, My dad?!!! Don’t answer that! I know the answer!

    However after much walking, and lack of energy, Cletus began to fall over, and roll down the dunse. As cletus gazed further, and further into the darkness, he could see what looked like. shadowy figures grab hold of him, and begin to drag him away to who knows where.


That morning…

As the thundertank began to pull into the bustling streets of Dog city, they could see that the shops were lively, full of bystanders passing through. Getting through their days as they always have for countless generations. The engines of the Thundertank suddenly stopped, and the cats exited the massive vehicle. The group gathered up for a quick briefing on what was expected from each of the ThunderCats.

Lion-O: Alright. Panthro and I’ll look for Jorma’s shop. Tygra, you and Cheetara  look around. You might be able to find the supplies we need. Now, you’re sure you’ve marked everything need on that list, right?

Tygra: Lion-O, relax. We’ve got it under control. We’ll get the supplies.

Lion-O: Alright. As for you t…

    Lion-O, and the others looked to see that the twins, and Snarf had already run off, getting themselves into who knows what. However, the cat king sighed and shook his head.

Lion-O: *sigh* kids.

    With that, the group disbanded, off to accomplish their tasks at hand. Panthro, and Lion-O grasped hold of the malfunctioning refrigeration units from both the Feliner, and the Thundertank. Though the units were quite small, Lion-O though physically fit, did have a bit of trouble carrying just one of the units through the town, while panthro seemed to have no trouble with the task whatsoever. When the panther looked back to see Lon-O struggling, he could only shake his head, and snarkily smirk in enjoyment of Lion-O’s troubles.

Panthro: What’s a matter with you, kid? Can’t even lift one small fridge? This is nothing.

Lion-O: Mmmph! Easy for you to say. You’ve got robot arms!

Panthro: No excuses, your whininess. we’re almost there.

The two were approaching a small hut on the borders of Dog City. The chimney was smoking, and sign upon the shop read that it was opened for business. The only living soul that could be seen next to the shop was an older looking dog, sweeping around the shop, making lok presentable. Lion-O’s eyes widened in joy of seeing his old friend again, knowing very well that this dog was indeed the one they were looking for.

Lion-O: Jorma!

    The elderly canine looked from his chore to see the the two cats he’s come to respect, walking in his general direction. Knowing very well from the two items they were carrying this was anything but a social call. regardless though, Jorma pla ed his broom to the side, and went to greet the two, as old friends.

Jorma: Hello, Lion-O. Panthro. Nice to see your faces around these parts.

Panthro: Jorma.

Lion-O: *observes the place* Pretty quiet around here. Business not doing so well?

Jorma: Not as much as it used to  sorry to say. Ever since that floating city Avista came crashing down, my junk well’s gone and dried up. Not that there isn’t any junk there that isn’t salvageable. But that would take time, and effort, much of which I haven’t got much left of I’m afraid.

Panthro: Sorry to hear that.

Jorma: Aaw, don’t be. it’s the way of things. besides, might as well clear out what I do have before the time comes...But now I know you two didn’t come all this way just to hear an old dog’s sad story, or for idle chitchat, now have you?

Lion-O: Well, no...You see we were curious to know if you might be able to help us with a problem we’ve been trying to resolve with these.

    Jorma then grasps hold of the fridge from Panthros hands, and begins feeling the small refrigeration unit. he opens it, and the smell of rotten meat plagued his nostrils. Immediately he turned his head away, and shuts the door.

Lion-O: *to panthro* I thought I told Kat and Kit to clean those things before we left.

Panthro: Don’t look at me, you’re the king.

Jorma: Ack!... If it’s the smell that’s the prob…

Lion-O: No! No, it’s ...not the smell. You see no matter what we’ve tried we can’t seem to get either one of these fridges to work. I figured since we would be around, you might be able to point a few things out. see if we missed something.

Jorma: I see...Bring these out back, and I’ll have a look.

    Jorma the gestured the two cats to haul the two fridge units to the back of the shop. Out back there was a small tarp which the owner had set up for larger projects that wouldn’t fit inside. But since the smell coming from the fridge permeated the air, he wouldn’t risk the smell driving away other potential customers. The opend the tarp flap, and showed the two inside.

    nearly two hours later, after the fridges had been thoroughly cleaned, and disinfected, Jorma had gone through each of the machines exteriors, seeing no damage whatsoever. But then he pulled out a philips head screwdriver and began unscrewing a portion of one of the units. Once, the interior was exposed, the dog began to shift through the interior, seeing if all the parts, and wire were exactly in the right area. The he felt something...a large clump of metal, loose, and unconnected to any of the wires. He proceeded to pull the object out, seeing what it was exactly.

Jorma: Well...I’ve got some good news, and bad news.

Lion-O: What’s the bad news?

Jorma: Well, this one’s a two parter. Part one, this motor here’s been shot. someone, or thing must’ve overloaded it, and now it’s just plain dead, and the wires it was connected to alos have been damaged. Now, the second unit here’s in need of some dusting, inside and out. The filter on it has been clogged, and also shot the motor. I’m gonna have to rip these apart, dust these things out, replace the motors and wiring, and put the back together.

Panthro: How long will that take?

Jorma: Hmm..well the parts you need I’ve got. But the dusting has to be thorough if you ever want these things to work again. I’d say a day or two.

    This brought great concern to Lion-O, knowing that the more time is wasted, Mumm-Ra could be closer, and closer in finding the last stone. However, given their limited options, Lion-O could only let out a defeated sigh, and turn back to Jorma.

Lion-O: Do what you can Jorma.

Jorma: Don’t worry. I won’t take too much of your time. These babies will be up and running in no time.

Lion-O: I hope so.


On the other side of dog city, Tygra and Cheetara were wondering the streets , mainly in the local market area. The area was packed, and full of life. Customers going about their business, shop keeps making their business selling  fresh foods, clothes, jewelry, and all sorts of goods. but despite the vast merchandise being bought and sold, the two thunderians were having some difficulties finding the exact items that they marked on the list. Throughout the morning, the two of them searched high and low, asking if anyone knew if there were any shops that had any of the items they needed. But all they got were either no’s and few that simply ignored them. This started to discourage the two.

Tygra: Ugh!..Is there anything in this town?

Cheetara: Even I have to admit, there’d should at least be one shop that would have some close to what we need.

Tygra: this becoming more and more like a wild goose chase.

Voices: Perhaps we can help.

The two cat looked over to see that the voices belonged to none other than WilyKat and kit, accompanied by snarf. The twins made their way over to Tygra and Cheetara. Their faces made expressive looks that indicated that they knew something that Ty and Chee were missing.

Tygra: Oh, it’s you two.

WilyKat: Not to happy to see us?

WilyKit: Shame really.

Cheetara: Alright you two. What’ve you got?

WilyKat: Word on the street that you two are having some problems looking for certain supplies.

Wily kit: And we just happen to know a few places that might be able to help.

    They then hand Cheetara a list of certain shops and stand with the supplies they needed. Cheetara was baffled how she missed all them when they’ve been wandering around like mad people. She then hands the paper over to Tygra, who then examines it further.

Tygra: You two sure about these places.

WilyKat: Beyond any doubt, Ty.

Cheetara: How is it, you two were able to find these places?

WilyKit: Where would the fun be if we told you that?

WilyKat: Besides, consider this as our little way of saying thanks.

Cheetara gave a quick look, and simply smirked at the two kittens She got down on one knee, and hugged them.

Cheetara: You two are most welcome.

    She then got back up, and began to gestured them to be off, and about. But as the twins were about to walk away, they remembered what they also wanted from the two.

WilyKat: Say...would an of you…

    Without warning, Tygra tossed to the twins a small purse of currency, and the two began to walk away.

Tygra: Don’t blow it all in one place, you two.

    Just like that, Tygra and Cheetara blended back into the crowd,leaving the twins  with the purse of coinage to their little heart’s content. Realizing what they could do, the twins dashed off into  very familiar direction, by way of the Bone Stew kitchen. It was a good minute or two that WilyKat, unaware of it, had run into a large body, and few back. He looked up to see a blonde hairless ape look down on him The being had blue eyes, almost divine like, and yet...and yet he felt something off about him. the man’s face was a bit crossed, but gradually faded as he reached down to lend Kat his hand. Reluctantly, Kat grasped hold of the hand and was hoisted up back onto his feet. The young kitten brushed himself off before heading back off again.

Wily Kat: Sorry, mister!

    Before the stranger could begin to say a single word, Kat was gone, leaving him a bit aggravated. Covering his face with his hooded cloak again, the man began to walk away, continuing his wandering of the streets.

Man: Hmph! Kids...just the same as they are back home.

As the stranger continued his wandering, he observed the way that the natives interacted. he couldn’t help noticing that the citizens were all canine humanoids, caught between what felt like the past, and the future. These sights, and sounds began to uzzle him more and more by the minute.

Man: Of all the place we could have winded up on, we had to be a world full with weird animal people. but given the fact that spider-man survived the trip makes up for it. If this is the right place, he’ll be around sometime, and when trouble calls him...we’ll be waiting for him.

    He then pulls out a large coin purse he got off of Conquedor, and made his way towards what looked like a motel, carved out of the rocky formations most of the city is based in.

Man: Though that whimp back in the desert was smart enough to cough up this dough...and give me a free lift.

By the time that he reached the front door. he did not hesitate in pushing it open, ringing the bell that the tenant setup. The owner, and tenant then took her post behind a small wooden desk and opened up a black booklet which she proceeded to write down as the blonde ape made it to her desk.

Tenant: Can I help you, sir?

Man: Yeah..I heard this place was leasing rooms. I’d like to lease one out for a while.

Tenant: Well, you’re in luck. we’ve got three rooms available. All I need now’s a name, and first month’s…

Without hesitation the man laid out a good amount of coinage onto her desk , and slide the few columns towards her. A bit off guard from the amount presented to her, and a bit intrigued, she then slides the coins off to the side to be counted later. She returned to the black book, and took up an ink quill at hand.

Tenant: I still need a name, sir.

Man: It’s Brock...Edward Brock jr.


As the day drew on, Lion-O and Panthro decided to search for the the kittens. It was a good few minutes in that the two stumble upon their allies at the one place they felt that they would be found. As the cat king was flagged down by his young companions, he could see them chowing down on the famous bones tew dog city was credited with. However, what he did not expect were several other bowls laid out, as if they were expecting them to join in.

WilyKat: Hi guys.

Lion-O: What eh...what exactly is all this?

WilyKit: figured you guys be curious to know what we’ve been up to. So..what better way to tell you than to meet up for lunch?

Lion-O: Haven’t you two got anything better to do than spend your time here, eating bone stew?

WilyKat: We could say the same to you. I thought you were working on the fridge units with Jorma.

Lion-O: We were…

WilyKit: And?

    Lion-O let out a surrendering sigh, and sat down at the table, and took a bow in hand. he took a spoon full, and ingested the stew before speaking.

Lion-O: And, it’s gonna be a while until the units are ready.

WilyKat: How long?

Panthro: A day or two. Depending on how fast Jorma works.

Lion-O: The sooner, the better. I don’t want us wasting anymore time than we need to. Mumm-Ra may be already gathering intel on the stone’s location.

    The twins looked at each other in both concern, and anticipation. Then Kat gestured to his sister to speak up.

WilyKit: Speaking of intel. You might want to listen what we’ve picked up on the streets.

    The king’s ears perked up, as if they had never before. Lion-o turned to the two, and raised his brow.

Lion-O: Alright, you two. what've you got for me?

WilyKat: Apparently, lizards have been spotted here, in the city for the last week or so. They mostly come out at night.

WilyKit: That’s not all. They’ve also been linked to a series of random lootings, and riots. Taking whatever they had back into the sewage systems. But the wierd thing is, they take the goods, and leave the money behind.

WilyKat: Every store that has been hit has had all its merchandise completely gone over night, and not a single coin from the register, or safes was touched. Now, given  the lizard’s past actions in thundera with coins and other wealthy items, this makes no sense.

She then pulls out a sheet of paper, and hands it over to Lion-O, and goes on. Upon further inspection of the list, Lion-O’s eyes widened with dread.

WilyKit: This list contains all the shops, and stores that have been looted, and cleared out in the past week or so.

Lion-O: Including Jorma’s shop.

Panthro: Wonder why he didn’t say anything?

Lion-O: That is a good question.

Panthro: Perhaps it’s about time we paid Dobo a visit.

Lion-O: Might know a little more about this.

WilyKat: We’ll keep our eyes pierced, and ears open.

Lion-O: No...If what you’ve said is true, and more, It would be smart to play this safe for now.

Panthro: Find Ty, and Cheetara. Fill them in on everything.

With That said, the twins finished their bowls, and hurried off to find the rest of their comrades. While Lion-o and Panthro headed for the only place they knew Dobo would be at during the middle of the day...monitoring the Pits.


 The second part in my ThunderCats/ Spider-man Crossover. Enjoy.

ThunderCats (2011) and related characters belongs to W.B. and Ted wolf
Spider-man and related charactersbelongs to Marvel
© 2015 - 2024 Gojihunter31
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Phenometron's avatar
The characters are so well written thanks to you. :)